Episode 214

Weird Science: Smells Like Team Spirit

Published on: 25th July, 2022

On this episode of Weird Science, a missing Crypto Queen, why we like people who smell like us, fasting for your nerves, and a crime-predicting AI. Most importantly, find out why you shouldn’t drink coffee while shopping. 

Hosted by Matt Armitage & Richard Bradbury

Produced by Richard Bradbury for BFM89.9

Episode Sources: 













Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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Freda Liu: At the furthest reaches of science, things start to get very strange indeed. This is why Matt Armitage back with stories about soft drinks, relationship advice and personal hygiene.

Freda Liu: Where is our weird journey taking us this week.

Matt Armitage:

• Last week we spoke about hybrid retail and how it’s reshaping the way we experience the things we buy.

• This first story links to that.

• But first I have to ask you a question:

• How much coffee or other types of caffeine do you drink or eat every day?

Freda Liu: [replies]

Matt Armitage:

• I mentioned on the last show that I used to have a doom-shopping problem.

• Browsing in bed and buying stupid things late at night.

• Well, I should point out that with the exception of dark chocolate.

• And if you aren’t eating chocolate with no sugar and 100% cocoa, then you aren’t doing it right.

• I stopped taking caffeine years ago:

• You know those sci fi movies where someone is given a stimulant and the screen goes all weird?

• It looks like the character is rushing down a tunnel.

• That’s how I feel after drinking decaf coffee, let alone anything stronger.

• But it looks like it might have saved my wallet a fortune:

• A recent study published in the Journal of Marketing suggests that consuming caffeine before or during shopping increases your risk of impulse buying.

• Those measures of caffeine include coffee, tea and energy drinks amongst other sources.

• The study was led by Dipayan Biswas, a Professor of Marketing at the University of South Florida.

• And concluded that people are likely to spend 50% more money, and buy around a third more items if they consume caffeine before of during shopping.

Freda Liu: How rigorous was the study?

Matt Armitage:

• This wasn’t a case of a grad student hanging outside a 7-11 at midnight on Saturday night.

• In the first phase, the physical retail component, researchers gave out free drinks to more than 300 participating shoppers at retail stores in France and Spain.

• Half were given coffee, the other half were given water or decaf.

• I think the participants were random – they were simply shoppers at the store who agreed to share the receipts of their shopping trip.

• In the second phase, which covered online shopping, 200 business school students were recruited.

• Half avoided caffeine all day, the second half didn’t.

• They were then asked to select purchases from a list of 66 items to buy online.

• And the results were broadly similar to the physical retail group.

Freda Liu: Were there differences in the types of goods bought by the two groups?

Matt Armitage:

• Yes, it wasn’t just the amount spent and number of items bought that differed.

• And that seems to be linked to the way caffeine stimulates our nervous systems.

• It heightens our senses and makes us feel more alert. And it gives us a dopamine rush.

• That rush can in turn increase our impulsivity and decrease our self-control.

• So the control groups that stayed away from caffeine, either completed their purchases as originally intended,

• Or bought items that were more practical.

• The caffeinated groups would buy things on impulse rather than need.

• Sticking with the senses:

• I don’t know how many of our listeners know the Monty Python sketch about the funniest joke in the world?

• My dog has no nose. How does he smell? Terrible.

• I’m going to ask you another question: what do your friends smell like?

Freda Liu: [replies]

Matt Armitage:

• I know it’s a weird question. But it’s not random.

• Last week during the hybrid retail show I mentioned the way brands use signature smells as one of the defining factors of their stores.

• Like the cookie dough smell you get at Famous Amos, for example.

• Or signature scents that are used by some beauty and wellness brands.

• Because smell plays a much stronger part in our lives than most of us recognize.

• So when I asked you what your friends smell like, it wasn’t a creepy, weirdo question.

• I mean… well, anyway…

• New research by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel suggests that smell plays an important part in the way we build friendships.

• And that we’re more likely to form friendships with people who smell like us.

Freda Liu: It still sounds creepy…

Matt Armitage:

• I know it comes across like it’s some kind of garlic lovers’ appreciation society.

• But it seems to be much deeper and a lot more primal.

• I found this story on NS btw.

• Inbal Ravreby at the Weizmann Institute was interested in why we form those sudden strong relationships with people.

• People you feel you instantly click with and wondered, as you do,

• If it had anything to do with body odour.

• She knew that previous research had found evidence that we subconsciously sniff other people when we meet.

• We might do something like sniffing our hand – do we really do things like that?

Freda Liu: [replies]

Matt Armitage:

• The Israeli team recruited 20 pairs of same sex friends who said that they had clicked as friends in this way.

• 10 male pairs and 10 female.

• They then used an electronic nose to sniff clothing that had been worn by each subject.

• And as a control, they randomly reassigned the pairs and repeated the tests.

• And the results showed that the friend pairs smelled more alike than the random pairings.

• Then they took their hypothesis and recruited 17 further subjects who hadn’t met before.

• They took turns playing a non-verbal game with other subjects of the same sex.

• And the results were the same: participants tended to click with people who smelled more like them.

• I know this sounds very strange, but the study builds on previous research that suggests each of us has a set of social fingerprints that guides us in forming friendships and relationships with people.

Freda Liu: Like a signature genetic rule book?

Matt Armitage:

• Yes – I’m not going to go into it too deeply.

• If you are interested there’s a great article on the New Scientist website by the evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar.

• It’s titled the hidden rules that determine which friendships matter to us.

• In it he discusses concepts like our ceiling limit for friendships.

• That thing about most of us having 150 people as friends.

• The concept has been around for a while – it’s also know as the Dunbar number after this guy.

• Things like the 30 minute effect – that friendships work best when you don’t have to travel more than 30 minutes to meet that person socially.

• I’m about an hour away from most people, so that probably explains my social circle.

• But by and large, Dunbar’s research shows that our friends are generally very similar to us.

• In terms of gender, education, outlook, interests etc.

• You have shared hobbies and interests. The same sense of humour.

• Which also explains my social circle.

• Interestingly, in it you also see quite a few of the ingredients that have helped to build the echo chamber effect over the past few years.

• We’re shocked when other people don’t think or see things like we do because all the people and information that social media exposes us to echo our beliefs and standpoint.

• And now we can add smell to that list!

• Shall we have another smell-related story?

Freda Liu: Replies

Matt Armitage:

• This one is very relevant for us in Malaysia.

• According to researchers at the Tsinghua University in China, people who have had mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and zika.

• Are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes in the future.

• It’s been known for a while that diseases like malaria alter our body odour.

• The malaria parasite trigger a change in our body odour that attracts mosquitoes,

• Who then carry the parasites and infect other people they bite.

• So it’s a propagation method. The Tsinghua team wanted to see if the same was true for Zika and dengue.

Freda Liu: Do we know which compounds seem to attract the mosquitoes?

Matt Armitage:

• Yes. So the research team first tested the hypothesis with mice infected with zika and dengue.

• Compared with a control group without the diseases, they found that those with the viruses were twice as likely to be bitten by mosquitoes.

• They then analysed all the compounds found on the skin of the mice.

• Which they also repeated with a group of human subjects.

• Some of whom had had either of the viruses and some who hadn’t.

• They then isolated those compounds and tested them by putting them on the backs of the mice, and on the back of human hands.

• The compound that most seemed to attract the mozzies was acetophenone which seems to be more prevalent in people who have had the disease.

• It wasn’t so much that they were surprised by the result – I think they were expecting to find something like this.

• But that they were able to isolate a single compound that attracts the flying vampires is a major breakthrough.

Freda Liu: How does this help us to reduce the risk of people being bitten in the future?

Matt Armitage:

• Well, the next step is to find ways to reduce that production of acetophenone.

• Early indications from the Chinese team are that a common acne medication called isotretinoin,

• Which causes the body to increase production of antimicrobial peptides.

• Peptides are strings of amino acids.

• That isotretinoin, by stimulating the production of the body’s antimicrobial defences, suppresses that production of acetophenone.

• Their tests showed that subjects treated with the drug were no more likely to be bitten by the mosquitoes than anyone else.

Freda Liu: After the break, a crypto fugitive and a racist robot.


Freda Liu: Are we done with the smell related stories?

Matt Armitage:

• Yes. This next one takes us further into the exciting world of gut biomes! I imagine they smell, too.

• But we don’t have to explore that today.

• Although I did read a story this week that said we should be preserving our poop.

• So that when we’re older we can use it for faecal transplants as a way to update and reset our gut flora.

• And I read another story that suggested that faecal transplants can alleviate the symptoms of conditions like IBS for up to 3 years.

Freda Liu: replies

Matt Armitage:

• It’s ok, I’ll keep it sanitary.

• I found this story on IFL science.

• Intermittent fasting has emerged as one of the most popular weight control methods over the past few years.

• With the idea that limiting our consumption of calories to certain windows of time,

• Say eight hours a day. Can help us to lose weight, and a whole host of health benefits including reducing the risk of some cancers and metabolic diseases.

• There are lots of variations on the approach but that’s a basic method.

• A new study published in the journal Nature suggests that intermittent fasting may also help us heal damaged nerves.

Freda Liu: What treatments do we currently have for nerve damage?

Matt Armitage:

• Almost none. That’s why we hear that dreaded phrase ‘permanent nerve damage’ so often.

• The only method is surgical reconstruction of the nerves. Which is only possible for certain nerves and has a relatively small success rate.

• The study by Imperial College London took previous findings that intermittent fasting aided wound repair and stimulated the growth of new neurons.

• The discovery is linked to a metabolite in our gut called 3-Indolepropionic acid, known as IPA, which we produce naturally.

• And this metabolite is crucial in regenerating axons – the tendril-like strands at the end of nerve cells that send out the electric signals from the nerve and communicate with the rest of the body.

Freda Liu: So, in a sense you could think of nerve damage a bit like turning the Internet off?

Matt Armitage:

• A little bit.

• All the websites are still there, sitting on their servers, but without the Internet to connect them they’re not much use.

• So the question then becomes how can we get more IPA into our bodies.

• I know IPA is also a beer – that route definitely won’t work.

• One way is to stimulate our own natural production of IPA. Exercise is one way.

• And intermittent fasting seems to be another.

• In tests on mice, the Imperial College Team found that those who were put on a time restricted diet regenerated axons,

• …those nerve endings, at a 50% higher rate than mice whose diets weren’t restricted.

• The next step is to move towards to human clinical trials and the team is that as our knowledge of gut flora expands,

• We will also find other bacteria or metabolites that will help us to protect and heal the body.

Freda Liu: ok. You can do AI now. Otherwise, we’re likely to go somewhere really unpleasant

Matt Armitage:

• Ok, so on a completely different topic.

• This is another story from NS.

• An algorithm that claims to be able to predict where and when crimes are likely to take place, with an accuracy rate of 90%.

• Very Minority Report – and we know how well that turned out.

• But predicting crime is not just big business – it’s one of those unicorns of modern policing.

• We’ve covered attempts to use AI in policing a few times over the years.

• The results so far haven’t been great.

• Police and probation service AIs have had an unpleasant tendency to amplify systemic biases.

• Usually racial ones.

• There was the probation service AI that would indicate that risks of recidividism were higher if you lived in traditionally black neighbourhoods.

Freda Liu: And that would be irrespective of their criminal background?

Matt Armitage:

• Precisely.

• So someone convicted of a minor, first offence could be signalled at greater risk of repeat offending if they lived in a black neighbourhood…

• …than someone with multiple, more serious offences who lived in a traditionally white neighbourhood.

• We’ve talked about the AI-based facial recognition system that London’s Met Police had to abandon after it created multiple false-positive suspect identifications for black men and women.

• The NS article flags a Chicago police system that aimed to predict who would be most likely to be involved in a shooting, either as a victim or a perpetrator.

• The data it was based on was initially withheld. After the city was forced to reveal it, it turned out that 56% of the city’s black men aged 20 to 29 were on it.

• This new system was also based on data from Chicago – it’s the work of a team at the University of Chicago.

Freda Liu: Is this a live model or a historical one?

Matt Armitage:

ed using historical data from:

• But the idea is for it to become, if not a street level predictive tool,

• Then at least one that can inform citywide strategies and priorities.

• So heading for live predictions.

• In the model, the city was divided into squares roughly 300m across.

• And it predicted where certain crimes were likely to be committed a week in advance.

• That’s the difference I think with a lot of previous systems – its targeting locations, rather than individuals.

• And another seven cities were analysed in the same way, with similar results.

• Suggesting that the tool is capable of adapting to the policing requirements of diverse towns and cities.

• But, the authors do note that the model is likely to repeat or reflect biases in the data.

Freda Liu: Typically, why do we see these biases?

Matt Armitage:

• That would be a whole series of episodes to explain fully.

• In the facial recognition system example – a lot of the early facial recognition systems were trained using commercial photo data sets.

• Which overwhelmingly skew white and male.

• So the systems – or at least early ones – had a lot of data to build up a picture of the differences between different faces.

• As long as they were white and male.

• So the accuracy rate drops off precipitously if you fall outside of those parameters.

• I don’t usually interrupt one story with another…

• Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta recently published the results of a study in biases.

• They built a virtual robot running a neural network from OpenAI called CLIP.

that OpenAI flagged CLIP in a:

Freda Liu: How susceptible did the research team in Atlanta find it to be?

Matt Armitage:

• As a white male, a little worrying might be the way I describe it.

• To anyone who isn’t a white male: potentially terrifying might do it?

• The robot was trained with images of people. Different genders and ethnicities.

• Its task was to answer questions by putting the people it thought most likely to represent the answer to the question into boxes.

• Black men were 10% more likely to be selected when the command was to pack the criminal in a box.

• Latina and black women were preferred when the question was identify homemakers.

• And the system favoured men over women when asked to identify doctors.

Freda Liu: Don’t questions like that provoke bias?

Matt Armitage:

• Of course. That was the point.

• The researchers were looking to exploit and identify areas of bias.

• Ideally you want a system where the dataset is normalised to discourage those biases.

• Or it’s smart enough to realise that the results are skewed, or that the question is designed to elicit bias.

Freda Liu: Going back to the Chicago crime model. Wouldn’t data that is based on the police’s own records be more accurate?

Matt Armitage:

• Not necessarily, the NS article quotes Lawrence Sherman, an expert of policing, from the Cambridge Centre for Evidence Based Policing.

• And he points out the difference between reactive and proactive data.

• Or to put it another way – the difference between people reporting crime and the police going out and actively looking for it.

• For example, those zero crime policies where police target neighbourhoods and clamp down on any and all violations in those zones, no matter how minor.

• So a location-based system like this could potentially be open to bias simply because police are already concentrating their efforts and attention on that particular area.

• In this instance, though the research team has admitted that the tool has the potential to be biased,

• Because of that it can be used to expose and overcome those biases.

• For example, they discovered in their analysis of the Chicago data that crimes committed in wealthy areas were more likely to result in arrests than crimes committed in poorer neighbourhoods.

• Which could potentially indicate that police devote more resources to solving crimes committed against richer residents.

Freda Liu: What would you like to end with?

Matt Armitage:

• We might as well stick with crime.

• This is the news that Ruja Ignatova, known as the Cryptoqueen, has been added to the FBI’s List of 10 most wanted fugitives.

• Ignatova is or was involved with a Bulgaria based proto-cryptocurrency called OneCoin that US prosecutors allege is at the centre of a $4bn fraud.

she disappeared from view in:

• In the criminal probe into the company, a corporate lawyer called Mark Scott has already been found guilty by a Manhattan court of laundering $400m.

• OneCoin has been described as one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in history.

Freda Liu: What was OneCoin? A pump and dump scheme?

Matt Armitage:

• It seems it was far more elaborate.

• The coin itself was never launched.

• It used MLM techniques to sell its product, recruiting sellers and networks.

• Who sold, if I remember correctly, training courses, that came with tokens that could be converted into OneCoin when it launched.

• The entire story is quite incredible.

• There’s a great podcast called the Missing Crypto Queen that was produced by the BBC.

• It’s well worth a listen if you’re into true crime and or all things crypto and blockchain.

natova has been missing since:

• The FBI puts people on its Most Wanted List when they believe the public can help to bring that person to justice.

• Which may suggest that she’s reseurfaced and that they have leads suggesting where she might be.

• So we might soon get a season 2 of the Missing Crypto Queen!

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MSP takes you into the future. Every week we look at advances in science and technology and ask how they will change the world we live in. And discuss how we can use our power and influence to shape the society of tomorrow.